Happy New Year As Written by Fatima

Happy New Year!

Written by Fatima

Blog Series: Words of Wisdom

     January has two great holidays, which are New Years and Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday. New Year means new beginnings. It is a chance to set new goals and to try new things in the year 2022. It is mostly about improving yourself, doing better and feeling better. Try to write down your resolutions and accomplish them. If you don’t accomplish them, revise them, or take a break, but do not give up. NEVER GIVE UP like WWE Wrestler John Cena says!

What are your traditions and resolutions for the New Year? My New Year’s Eve traditions are having dinner with my family, playing games, watching the ball drop, talking about resolutions, and getting together with family and friends. I would like to share some important resolutions that I want to accomplish. They are learning how to cross the street safely and independently, learning to manage my money, getting a fish as a pet, making new friends, doing yoga, and eating more fruits and vegetables. I also want to learn how to make homemade sushi. 

     Martin Luther King Jr. was like John Cena. He never gave up and helped many people. Martin Luther King Jr. worked to make sure that all Americans had equal rights. To honor Martin Luther King Jr., I am writing ten resolutions for the New Year that we can do together to make the world a better place. I want to be like him and help people.

Resolution 1- Tell a person something you like about them. Make them feel good about themselves.

Resolution 2- Call a friend and ask them how their day went. Tell them you are so happy that they had a great day. Tell them jokes if they had a bad day. 

 Resolution 3- Cook food for people who are sick, poor and/or lonely. Share what you have with people who need food.

Resolution 4- Be kind to people you meet.

Resolution 5- Listen to what people have to say and give advice if they need help.

Resolution 6- Help someone carry their groceries.

 Resolution 7- Use Zoom calls to make sure your family and friends are ok. 

 Resolution 8- Teach people something that you know. 

Resolution 9- Volunteer at an organization that you love like GiGi’s Playhouse NYC. 

 Resolution 10- Donate to an organization that you love like GiGi’s Playhouse NYC. 

 Stay safe and warm. 

 Lots of Love and Happiness!!



Thank you, Fatima, for welcoming us into 2022 with a celebratory and positive spirit! We welcome our community to join us for our Winter Semester. If you are interested in attending our programs and special events, please visit our calendar to register!

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  1. Virginia McNamara on January 21, 2022 at 9:21 pm

    Great post, Fatima! You have given us all some wonderful resolutions for the New Year!

    • Katherine Hartney on January 21, 2022 at 9:44 pm

      That was so inspirational Fatima!
      Thank you for sharing with us.
      I am also going to follow your lead and try to be kinder to people I meet and cook for those who are in need !

  2. Ruth Gonzalez on January 21, 2022 at 9:47 pm

    Awesome post, Fatima! You have share wonderful ideas. I enjoyed reading them.

  3. Nancy Whyte Olay on January 21, 2022 at 9:56 pm

    Wonderful! Thank you Fatima for your inspiring post!

  4. Peter & Maureen Supon on January 22, 2022 at 2:40 pm

    You are an inspiration Fatima! What a wonderful Blog to remind us to be kind to each other and think of our family, friends and neighbors! You have such a positive outlook and may all your Dreams come true!! We are so proud of you and so lucky and grateful to have you as our Granddaughter and Our Inspiration!

  5. Aldo, Dolores, Christina, Daniella, & Annalisa on January 23, 2022 at 2:35 pm

    Fatima, what a wonderful way to start off the New Year! We will do our best to accomplish some of those New Year’s resolutions you shared. You are the perfect example of NEVER GIVING UP-you’ve worked so hard to accomplish all your many achievements. Keep it up girl!

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