April Holidays – Written by Fatima, GiGi’s NYC Participant

April Holidays

Written by Fatima, GiGi’s NYC Participant

Blog Series: Words of Wisdom

I would like to share some important holidays that are celebrated in the month of April, which are: April Fools’ Day, Passover, Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter, Earth Day and Orthodox Easter.

What is April Fools’ Day?

April Fools’ is celebrated on April 1st each year, which fell on a Friday this year. People love to do a lot of funny pranks to make people laugh a lot.

What is Passover?

Passover is commonly celebrated by Jewish people to celebrate the liberation of Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Passover starts on the eve of April 15th and lasts for 8 nights. For Passover, people get together for a celebration, or Seder, and read about the holiday, drink wine, and eat matzah.

What is Palm Sunday?

Palm Sunday, also called Passion Sunday in the Christian tradition, is the first day of Holy Week and the Sunday before Easter. It commemorates Jesus Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

What is Good Friday?

Good Friday also falls on April 15th this year, and is another important day of Holy Week. It is always the Friday before Easter. Good Friday marks the crucifixion and dying of Jesus Christ.

What is Easter Sunday?

Easter Sunday ends Holy Week and it is when when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated by Christians by having dinner together and the best part, in my opinion, is getting a basket of presents like flowers, chocolates, candy, and lottery tickets from the Easter Bunny. Some people also get presents from their family like money and jewelry.

This Easter Sunday my Family and I are getting together at my favorite restaurant, which is Antonio’s Kitchen, because they have a new chef named Carlos. He is trying his best to make the food delicious. The only Easter present that I would love to get this year is to get together with my family more because they are important to me. The most important people in my family are my grandparents, which is Pop-Pop and Maureen.

What is Earth Day?

Earth Day will be on April 22nd, which falls on a Friday this year. I believe people should save the earth by recycling what they can instead of just throwing it away. That’s what I do when I am at home until I start working in person.

What is Orthodox Easter ?

Orthodox Easter will be celebrated on April 24th by Greek people, and it is when they celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

How will you be celebrating in April? Also, let’s not forget-who’s ready for Spring Break?! I am getting ready for Spring Break because I love to go out and have fun. I enjoy the nice weather with the people who I love, for example, my boyfriend Peter. He makes me happy in life and he cares about me a lot.

Wishing everyone a wonderful April and Spring Break!

Lots of love,




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  1. Aldo, Dolores, Christina, Daniella, and Annalisa on April 24, 2022 at 1:05 pm

    Thank you Fatima for educating us on so many different holidays in April! We celebrate Easter and also love getting together with our family and friends to celebrate! 🌺 We hope you and your family had a great time at Antonio’s! Happy April everyone and looking forward to your May blog Fatima! 😃

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