sick season and silent auction

You may think what does “sick season” and “silent auction” have to do with each other?

Well, they don’t. But I have Momsy brain and am trying to multi-task at work today. Since the beginning of December, someone in my household has been sick. Sweet Downsy was hospitalized with respiratory distress (he’s fine now, bounces back like a little leprechaun) for a few days, Upsy brought the norovirus  home from school with him and Dadsy, we’ll let’s just say MAN COLD! So now, well now it’s my turn. Thankfully, there’s no programs at the Playhouse today and I’m sanitizing behind my every step, but there’s some cool stuff going on here! Our 2016 GALA is coming up in a few weeks and the gala committee is here taking photos of all the amazing auction items. All these items have been donated to the Playhouse by local businesses, families and friends. I continue to be amazed by people’s generosity.

A few sneak peaks:
-Stamp It Up basket
-Lake Express travel vouchers
-Tastefully Simple baskets
-a kayak!
-toy baskets from Toys R Us
-Blue Harbor Resort gift certificates


I hope to see many of you there.

Saturday, March 5 @ 6pm
Italian Conference Center
Register here: online registration

Gala Stamp It Up


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