Literacy tutoring…instrumental in school success

Volunteers, literacy tutoring, comfortable environment, GiGi’s Playhouse has it all!  GiGi’s Playhouse is a Down syndrome Achievement Center in Milwaukee, WI. We offer FREE academic and therapeutic programs for individuals with Down syndrome. Henry comes to visit once a week for literacy tutoring and is making strides  in phonics developmental skills which are evident at home and at school.

“All we have to do is mention GiGi’s Playhouse and Henry’s face lights up. Henry knows GiGi’s as a place where he can come and be himself, play with friends and learn to be his best self. His most special friend is who he calls “GiGi’s Eileen”; Eileen has been Henry’s literacy tutor and these two have an amazing bond, with a lot of love between them. Eileen has been instrumental in helping Henry succeed in school. Henry is now spelling words!! GiGi’s would be nothing if not for our amazing volunteers, that put their hearts and souls into their time here.

GiGi’s enriches not just Henry’s life, but our entire family’s life. Please help us keep our free programming available for all the other families out there.”

-Beth, mom and Board Member at GiGi’s Playhouse Milwaukee

The Literacy Program

The GiGi’s Playhouse Literacy Program uses a methodology with documented success based on the research of professionals in the field. Trained tutors work at the level of the child, continually challenging and encouraging them utilizing custom flashcards and books as well as computer resources and games. This literacy education includes not only direct instruction with the child, but educating their parents, school teachers, and other therapists as well. Check out more about our literacy program here: 


• Increased self-esteem
• Increased confidence
• Fine motor development
• Dispelled stereotypes and misconceptions
• Greater inclusion in general education classrooms
• More active role in schools and community
• Broader communication and speech abilities
• Greater social interaction and friendships
• Articulation development

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