The Winning Team – A Thoughtful Donation

Kirsten is a longtime friend of the Anderson family. She’s watched Bea grow up and knows how much GiGi’s has benefited her life. Kirsten works at Kohler Co. and her IT department had a logo competition where the winning department got to pick a nonprofit of choice for a donation. Thankfully Kirsten thought of GiGi’s and theirs was the winning team!

I’m personally so touched by this act of generosity and kindness. I know this donation will go so far in helping many kids and families! – Erin Anderson, Bea’s mom (pictured in the center next to Kirsten)

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  1. Kirsten Johnson on May 7, 2021 at 3:23 pm

    ” I ” was the lucky one – handing out a check for $2,000 and soaking in all the smiles made more than just my day!
    There is still so much more to do to get society to accept and further disabled people. Thank you GiGi’s for leading the way!

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