Best of All: A Stunning Moment

CJ is 41 years old and never learned to read. His parents taught him letters, but the concept of putting those letters together to recognize a word is not something he was able to learn. CJ began attending GiGi’s literacy tutoring in the summer of 2017, and has completed 30 sessions total.

During these sessions, CJ has learned some basic words using the special books made for him by his tutor. His ability to learn a few words, and his interest in reading, has been a surprise to his sister and brother-in-law, who care for CJ full-time.   But they were very surprised this past weekend when they attended a family wedding.  When the family went to sit at their table, each member of the family was given a place card with their first and last name printed on it.  Just for fun, CJs family held up his card and said “CJ, what does this say?”

CJ looked right at the card and without hesitation, said his full name as it appeared on the card.  To say everyone at the table was stunned would be an understatement.  Everyone paused and looked at each other in stunned silence, then just started high fiving him.  CJ has never recognized his name in writing before.  He hadn’t been prepped, or even told that it was a name that was printed on the card. That card could have said anything.  But he recognized his name.

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  1. Mary Lewis on June 6, 2018 at 3:25 pm

    Way to go CJ, what a wonderful accomplishment! A stunning moment made possible through CJ’s hard work and Gigi’s!!!

  2. Danette on June 7, 2018 at 7:09 am

    Gave me goose bumps!

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