GiGi’s Playhouse, by Maddie M.

The following blog post was provided by Maddie, age 9 1/2.

“Have you ever heard of something called Down Syndrome? If you haven’t well this is what it means…it means that people with Down Syndrome have an extra chromosome. A chromeosome is like a lego in your body building up you. This is a story about a place called GiGi’s Playhouse. It all started when my brother was born. My family finally told me that when my brother was born he would have something called Down Syndrome. Years past and we finally heard about a place GiGi’s Playhouse in Castleton that was going to open in like a month or two. So one night we looked inside it when they were tareing the old place down. I think it was a restaurant before. Then a few months past, and they had just started getting the paint of and stuff. At that time my mom got intrested in GiGi’s Playhouse that she became on the board of it. We have had manny great memories there and now it’s really popular they even got an award! GiGi’s Playhouse has really helped my brother, he loves it! And the great thing about GiGi’s Playhouse is you meet other familes Down Syndrome my family and I have definitly met some other people! Thanks so much for reading! Oh P.S. I forgot to tell you that GiGi’s Playhouse has lots of events! Please get involved, Thanks!!!”

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  1. Heather Rodriguez on December 8, 2015 at 9:51 am

    Thank you for sharing Maddie, what a great big sister and advocate you are for your brother. Keep up the good work!

  2. Carl Wagner on February 1, 2016 at 6:50 pm

    Thanks for all of this information about GIGI’s Playhouse. You are a wonderful big sister to your brother, just as my cousin Angie has always been a special big sister for her younger brother, my cousin Greg. Greg was born with Down Syndrome almost forty years ago, and he’s special to all of us, has made a real difference in the lives of all who know him, and has truly been a gift beyond compare in our extended family.

    Proud of you, proud of your brother!

    Keep writing every chance you get, and think of your writing always as being like a candle that shines a light in the darkness.

    P.S. Your mommy was a special writer in my senior English class, and I’m going to predict right now that someday YOUR senior English teacher is going to look forward to reading your writing as much as I did your mommy’s!

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