Promoting Social Communication in Individuals with Down syndrome – Eye Contact
Recently we posted about teaching appropriate VS inappropriate distances to stand next to a person when interacting. Today it’s all about eye contact. Eye contact plays a crucial role in social communication. When you are listening and when you are talking, it is considered appropriate to look at the other person. If you are in a group, you are expected to look at the person who is speaking. Children with Down syndrome often look down or do not look people in the eye. There are a few reasons this may be occurring. For example, many of these individuals have not learned yet that maintaining eye contact is appropriate and necessary. Also, most, if not all, individuals with Down syndrome have low muscle tone, which would make lifting, turning and moving their head and eyes a difficult task. One that would come easily and naturally to typically developing individuals. However, this is a skill that can be practiced at home, therapy and in the community. We are including a fun at-home activity to practice!
Home Activity: Create a special pair of handmade or purchased eye glasses that you call that “Look at My Eyes” glasses. These may be funny and wildly decorated. When wearing the glasses, your child must look everyone in the eye. Use additional pairs for siblings and friends who can also participate in this game. Have your child wear the glasses for five minutes each day, and increase the time gradually. The hope is that after consistent practice, they will learn to independently establish appropriate eye contact. Don’t forget, have fun with it!