James’ Bond

“See the way his eyes are?…. See the way his nose is?…. These are signs of Down syndrome.” I still remember the way my doctor “broke the news.” So matter-of-fact…. So nonchalant. My first reaction was “Awww, that’s too bad.” Then, of course, I cried. I guess everyone does. I hear stories about how sad some people feel when they hear the diagnosis. How it was not supposed to be this way. For whatever reason, I did not have these feelings. Sure, I was scared, mostly of the unknown. I just remember feeling a sense of calmness. I think subconsciously I knew throughout my pregnancy that James would be born with Down syndrome. With my age, 41, and my husband’s age, 57, I guess I just figured it was inevitable.

James came into this world so quickly as if to say, “HERE I AM WORLD! ARE YOU READY FOR ME?!” When he was placed on my belly for the first time, I did not see what the doctor was showing me. I did not see Down syndrome. I saw a beautiful, PERFECT, baby boy. Now, 3 years later, I still see that beautiful boy. Not perfect, as the terrible two’s would attest to, but I truly believe that God does not gives us more than we can handle. I am extremely proud and honored that my family was chosen to love James. He has been such an important addition to our large family. His smile, his humor, his ability to make others happy inspires me every day. He wakes up every morning with a smile and an eagerness to just show what he can do. He is such a special little boy, and I feel extremely blessed to be along for the ride. I know his future will be filled with enormous possibilities!

-James’ mom, DianeJames1

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  1. Jim Crotty on August 21, 2013 at 4:55 pm

    It was January 13, 2010. The sub-freezing cold spell which began on Christmas, finally lifted and the Chicago area had its first day above freezing (35 degrees) in nearly 20 days. And the sun was shining!!
    The reason I know this is because that was the day the good Lord decided to bless our family with James.

    From the moment I saw him for the first time, I knew he was given to the right family. He would be loved in ways that only our Clan knows how.

    I somewhat knew of the challenges that would await, but have never lost faith in the fact that James would be one special little boy.

    His smile is infectious, his laugh warms your heart, and his hugging ability is second to none. Every time I think of him, it just makes me smile. When he is around, he finds you, gives a hug and kiss, and a great big smile. He loves unconditionally. He is my little buddy.

    When I was told that warm day 3+ years ago that James was born with Downs Syndrome, my first reaction was not one of sorrow or fear, but one of hope and faith and mostly Love. I knew that what ever God’s plan was for this child, he had entrusted him with great parents to raise him and a great support structure of family to be there when needed. When I held him on that day, I said to him and myself that, being here would make us all better people. I will stand by that until my life here on earth ends. I don’t use the word “special” to describe James because of his Downs, I use it just because he is so special to me. I love him with all my heart!!

    James’ Bond is just that. He is an inspiration to me and my family.

    • Diane on August 21, 2013 at 10:26 pm

      Thank you Uncle Jimmy!! James is lucky to have you as his uncle!

  2. Margaret Ann on August 21, 2013 at 5:04 pm

    How beautiful and how touching!!! James is lucky to have such a loving family who feel lucky to have him. I have admired your love and devotion to him. You are truly an inspiration.

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