2 Babies, 1 Santa, Lives Changed!

At the annual holiday party, Santa had the privilege of meeting Olivia, a 1 week old baby with Down syndrome. Olivia and her family (including Grandma) came to the playhouse to network with other parents and see what GiGi’s Playhouse is all about. What they also learned was that Olivia is a bundle of potential. That she will walk and talk and read. That they have instantly become part of a family that advocates for all the abilities that Olivia has! Mom’s first impression of the Playhouse was that is was very warm and friendly and had something for her whole family- her other daughter who is 2, immediately played with other siblings and kids at the Playhouse(and stayed far away from Santa!)
Just a week before Olivia was born, another baby girl with Down syndrome was born at the same hospital. We can’t wait to meet her as well! The Playhouse family continues to grow each week at everyone of our 11 locations. Each family is welcomed with a Celebration packet and told “Congratulations!” This is often the first time a family hears congratulations and GiGi’s is proud to help each parent see their child as just that- their beautiful son or daughter.
Happy Holidays to all our Playhouse Families, Volunteers and Donors!

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