7th day of Fitness

7th day of Fitness- Planks

Goal of movement- the goal of a plank is to activate a variety of core muscles including the abdominals, gluteals, latissimus (back) muscles, and stabilizers through the shoulder joint.  In our participants, because of the increased flexibility, individuals with Ds often sway through the low back.  If the participant moves into a slight pike position (hips bent), she is actually still using her abdominal muscles!

Start with the first progression, if it is too easy then progress to the next progression until you are feeling that you are being challenged, but still able to maintain the integrity of the exercise. Remember to take pictures/videos, continue working on exercises previous and record all in 12 Days of Fitness tracker.


  1.  Front plank on knees (elbows and knees)
  2. Front plank on toes (elbows and toes)
  3. High plank on knees (hands- arms straight- and knees)
  4. High plank on toes (hands- arms straight- and toes)
  5. High plank with side kick
  6. High plank mountain climber

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