3:21 World Down Syndrome Day




Here’s what’s happening for World Down Syndrome Day!

Ruby Tuesdays inUrbandale is hosting a Give Back Day! Bring the flyer in & GiGi’s will receive 20%!

Social Canvas is hosting a painiting event. $10 of the $35 registration goes to GiGi’s Playhouse Des Moines! Registration is open via the link below, bring your friends & paint your heart out!


Family Pizza Party 6pm @ GiGi’s Playhouse! There will be pizza & light refreshments!

Thanks again for all that each of you do to make GiGi’s Playhouse Des Moines the BEST Playhouse 🙂

Dress Down for Down Syndrome Day…If your business would like to host a Dress Down Day please contact Jessica at desmoines@gigsplayhouse.org or call the Playhouse @ (515) 252-7529

Dress Down for Down Syndrome

Social Canvas321 2013

Ruby Tuesday


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