Volunteer Spotlight….Chastity Price!!

Meet Chastity Price! She is our wonderful host for not one but TWO of our programs at GiGi’s Playhouse. She is the 4th Friday host for Friday Friends and she also hosts Friends, Fun and Fitness.

“I absolutely love volunteering at GiGi’s playhouse!  GiGi’s is a very special place most importantly because of the participants, but also because most of their programs are offered to everyone for free!  At my Friends, Fun, and Fitness classes, the participants eagerness to try new things, their smiling faces, and their high fives are priceless! We have so much fun together! At Friday Friends, I love watching the peer friendships grow, their acceptance and inclusion of new friends, and the excitement that each participant brings to the group!  All of the participants are so uniquely perfect in their own way!  My heart runneth over with joy each time I walk through those doors. I just can’t get enough! I am so thankful for the opportunity to spend my time with all these awesome people! To GiGi’s, all of the participants, and their families……THANK YOU for letting me be a part of your team!!!!” – Chastity Price

We want to say thank you to Chastity and our countless number of volunteers. With your time and dedication we are able to turn belief in our children into real life achievement and acceptance!

Keep following GiGi’s Playhouse Des Moines blog to see more volunteer spotlights! If you would like to be featured please email a short paragraph about what GiGi’s Playhouse means to you and what is your favorite part about volunteering, along with a photo of you during a program! Email your entries at desmoines@gigisplayhouse.org. Thank you!!

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