Artists at the GiGi’s Chicago Playhouse
Art Explodes at GiGi's Playhouse! Last fall, fourteen individuals with Down syndrome put their art skills to the test with our Art Explosion! program. Due to the large amount of success after a few small workshop classes, a new 5 week programs was created! Over the course of those 5...

Runs for Ted!
Take me out to a ball game, or 30 games! This family of four from Arizona has decided to take a road trip to all 30 major league baseball stadiums. They will travel across the country in a span of 3 months! They have a facebook page and a website where...

Grab a Co-Worker and Come Hang Out With Us!
Group Shot with The Nielsen Company Volunteers Company Sponsored Events at the Playhouse Last Thursday, The Nielsen Company came and sponsored an open play for the GiGi's Chicago Playhouse. The volunteers did face painting and temporary tattoos for our teens. They played indoor beach volleyball because...

Meet Isabelle, Our New Summer Intern
Hi everyone, my name is Isabelle Ketchum and I'm 18 years old. I attend Elmhurst college and this is the end of my freshmen year. I'm about to be a sophomore. I can't wait to embark on a new chapter in my life let's get started. For starters,...

Tutoring, a lesson in confidence
"I Don't know if I can add any value" Aaron raised his hand at the tutoring training and said, "I just don't know if I can add any value to a student's life through tutoring. I'm not a teacher, I don't know much about people with Down syndrome, and I...

#WishListWednesday – Our Biggest Wish
On #WishListWednesday we give thanks to all of our families and friends who have generously donated items from our wish list. A pop-in visit from Nancy Gianni and her son, Franco, yesterday reminded us what our BIGGEST Wish is: Acceptance. Nancy's Message ...

Scott comes out of his shell at Improv class!
Going from shy to STAR! Scott is one of the many participants in our Fantastic Friends program. While he truly enjoys the program, he's usually pretty shy and reserved before he participates. Scott is the guy who stands on the outsides and calculates what his next move will be. He...

A Visitor from Thousand Waves Martial Arts Center
karate at the playhouse The benefits of karate for people with Down syndrome are endless; it focuses on development of balance, coordination, discipline, focus, attention, physical fitness, and confidence. Senpai Sam Boyer introduced the study of Seido karate to individuals with Down syndrome the past several Thursdays in place of...

Winter Tutoring Spotlight
1:1 Math and Literacy Tutoring Program This winter season was a tough one for our tutoring programs! We battled cold and flu season, new tracking worksheets, new phonics programs, and new coordinators for both Math and Literacy. The volunteers and students were so good at rolling with the punches; making...

Paired Progressions: High Knee
Being a part of an international network of Down Syndrome Achievement Centers has its perks! One of those perks is that we have brilliant minds within the network that are constantly researching, advocating, and enhancing programs. One of the latest updates to our purposeful programs are Paired Progressions. We have...

Ready for RibFest 2018
It's RibFest Time! Volunteer at RibFest = Earn money for GiGi's Playhouse Chicago! We have ONE shift on Saturday, June 9th and need thirty (30) volunteers to fill these slots: GATE - 6:00–10:00 pm ID LINE - 6:30–10:15 pm BEVERAGE - 6:30–10:15 pm VIP TENT - 6:30–10:15 pm KIDS SQUARE - 5:15–8:30 pm Volunteering is...