Did Someone Say Paper Drive?
When the Chicago Metropolitan Sports Association (CMSA) does a paper drive, they mean business! The Women's Fall Softball League and Kickball Fall League collected paper goods for GiGi's Playhouse Chicago! Their members were incredibly generous, donating over 75 rolls of paper towels, 100+ rolls of toilet paper, an entire box...

Get Down With Down Syndrome
Are you ready to Get Down? Dance Masters Jo and Julia, two volunteers with 24 years of dancing experience between them, choreographed and taught a dance routine to our teen participants this summer. The teens received an invitation to dance at St. Andrew’s Palooza on Saturday to show off their...

Simone’s Seusses
Why We Run, Walk and Dash...... "Simone was born 4 years ago with Down Syndrome. Since that time, everyone who has been blessed to know her has watched her grow into an amazing, beautiful pre-schooler who has taught us so much about life, love, patience, and determination. " Every week Simone...

Why we run, walk and dash for Down syndrome…
When Colin was born in 2003, there was no GiGi's Playhouse. Credible information about Down syndrome was hard to come by. There was literally a paragraph about Trisomy 21 in "What to Expect What You're Expecting," hospital brochures that were severely outdated, and plenty of commentary in online forums (where...

Photos and Fun: Volunteers Appreciation
GiGi’s Playhouse Chicago couldn't function without our volunteers. Every day, our volunteers help people with Down syndrome achieve their unlimited potential and help spread positive awareness of Down syndrome throughout their networks, families and communities. Without our volunteers we wouldn't have a board of managers, literacy or math programs (both...

Super Special Cousins
We use the month of October, Down Syndrome Awareness Month, to raise awareness and money for GiGi's throughout the community. Last year, we had an outpouring of support from our community. We also had amazing support from our volunteers, friends and family. One of the family members who touched our...

How Has GiGi’s Affected Your Life?
Here at GiGi's countless stories are being created each and every day. We asked playhouse families to share their stories with us as part of a recent contest. We asked families to answer the question, “How has GiGi's Playhouse affected your life?”. We loved reading the stories and thank all...

Volunteer Appreciation Night!
GiGi's Playhouse has over 150 dedicated volunteers from all over the city. Our volunteers are a diverse group of teachers, students, nurses, parents, and advocates. Countless hours are put in by our volunteers through: literacy tutors, math tutors, program leads, board members, and through special events. Last night, we were...

Life Skills 101 and Social Skills 101 at GiGi’s
Life Skills 101 and Social Skills 101 GiGi's is excited to offer two new classes this winter session: Life Skills and Social Skills. Life Skills will be on Wednesday from 4-5pm. Social Skills will be on Monday from 4-5pm. Both classes will be led by Rush University Occupational Therapist...

Raising Awareness: Three Windows That Work!
Anyone driving by GiGi’s Chicago Playhouse notices the beautiful pictures on the windows. These photos are our greatest awareness-raising tool. We can't tell you how many people have come in, called or remarked about how eye-catching the windows are. (And if you've never sat in the Playhouse and watched people look...

2013 Raising the Baar Award: Steve and Sharyl Hanna
Steve and Sharyl Hanna are part of GiGi's Chicago's original families. Their grandaughter, Jade, has been featured on our windows, our calendar and our email blasts. From the beginning of the Playhouse, Steve and Sharyl have been a core part of our volunteer force, passing out candy at our annual Trick-or-Treating events,...

GiGi’s Chicago is event heavy, rolling in to the holiday season!
Here's what's happening the rest of November... November 24: It's A Playhouse Puppet Show! Mark your calendars for November 24 from 3 p.m. - 4 p.m.Playhouse dad Chris Krawczyk and his business partner, Bob Anderson, of Puppet Possibilities will lead a puppet-filled hour that will include a 10-minute-long, music-based show using your favorite songs from the 60's in...