GiGi’s Chicago is event heavy, rolling in to the holiday season!

open play Wednesday

Here’s what’s happening the rest of November…

November 24:

It’s A Playhouse Puppet Show!

Mark your calendars for November 24 from 3 p.m. – 4 p.m.Playhouse dad Chris Krawczyk and his business partner, Bob Anderson, of Puppet Possibilities will lead a puppet-filled hour that will include a 10-minute-long, music-based show using your favorite songs from the 60’s in a multi-sensory experience.

After the show, kids will get the chance to make their own sock puppet complete with eyes, noses and hair. (Socks and other materials will be provided.) Once completed, Chris will teach the kids how to use their puppets to sing a special Happy Birthday to his son, Max.

This is a great opportunity not just for people with Down syndrome, but for siblings to help out on a project. We expect this one-of-a-kind event to be very popular. Be sure to click on this link to RSVP.

And December…

Dec 12:

Guest Bartending at Nisei Lounge from some of our parents and key volunteers!

This is going to be a fun night of both fundraising and friendraising! Parents and key volunteers of GiGi’s Chicago will bartend from 7 to 10 p.m. All tips paid during that time will go directly to the Playhouse. Nisei Lounge is located at 3439 N. Sheffield Avenue and known in Chicago as “Wrigleville’s Oldest Bar.” It’s going to be a great night! Come out and support GiGi’s Chicago, and stay tuned for more details that will be provided in our weekly email blasts. Not receiving those blasts? Email Amy at to find out how to subscribe.

December 15:

A Very GiGi Christmas!

Santa is coming back to GiGi’s Chicago this year on Sunday, December 15 from 3 to 5 p.m. The party will include a holiday story, pictures with Santa, and refreshments. Stay tuned for details through our email blasts! Hope to see you there!!

December 21:

GiGi’s Playhouse of Chicago’s Teen Drama Troupe proudly presents:

“Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made On…”

Original vignettes created and performed by our actors

What would you do if you had magic for one day?

What powers would you want?

Who or what would you become?

Where would you go?

What would you change?

What would you create?

Join the 16 actors of GiGi’s Playhouse Chicago’s Teen Drama Troupe as they share their personal answers to these questions in an evening of original scenes, songs, monologues, and dances. This show, 100% created by our actors, is sure to make you laugh, cry and dream along with them!


Victory Gardens Biograph Theater

Zacek McVay Theater

2433 North Lincoln Avenue

Saturday December 21st, 2013  at 3pm

Tickets $15 general admission

Phone: 773.871.3000


In Person: at the Victory Gardens Box Office (Mon-Sat 12pm-6pm, Sun 12pm-4pm)

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