Become A Playhouse Ambassador! And Don’t Forget the Gala!

Upcoming Schedule of Events
(Chicago Style)
Become an Ambassador!

Looking for a way to get involved at the Playhouse in ways that don’t require the commitment of being a board member? How about serving as a Playhouse Ambassador?Throughout the year, we have many opportunities to go out into the community to spread positive awareness about GiGi’s Playhouse and Down syndrome in general. We’re looking to create a team of Playhouse Ambassadors who can help us to ensure we don’t miss an opportunity.

What does being a Playhouse Ambassador entail? Mostly enthusiasm and willingness to speak to others about the Playhouse. (Note: we’re not talking about public speaking, most of these opportunities involve staffing a table or booth at events.) Ambassadors may also be asked to write personal thank you notes to generous donors.

It’s a great opportunity to share the Playhouse with the general public, without making a huge time commitment. We’re looking to get a team together soon, as our first event is coming up on February 4 (the Neighborhood Parent Network’s Developmental Differences Resources Fair). Interested? E-mail us.

This Week

Wednesday, Jan. 18

Busy Hands, Bigger Plans

4 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Our Advanced Fine Motors Skills Class begins with more music, art and handwriting.

Thursday, Jan. 19

Volunteer Orientation

7 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Friday, Jan. 20

Teen Drama Class

5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Literacy as scheduled.

Next Week  


Tuesday, Jan. 24 

Little Fingers, Big Plans

4 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Our Beginning Fine Motor Skills Class opens its winter session with music, art and other fun. 

Wednesday, Jan. 25  

Open Play

9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 

The Fun Continues at a playgroup for everyone.

Wednesday, Jan. 25 

Busy Hands, Bigger Plans

4 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Our Advanced Fine Motors Skills Class begins with more music, art and handwriting.

Friday, Jan. 27

Teen Drama Class

5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Hot Off Their Holiday Pageant, our teen drama troupe begins working on its next Shakespeare production.

Literacy as scheduled.

… And Beyond  

Friday, Feb. 3

Playhouse Clean Up

9:30  a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Time to Rotate the Toys, arrange the books and other fun stuff.


Monday, Feb. 13

Spectacular Sibs

4:30 – 6 p.m.

A Program for the Brothers and Sisters. This one will focus on sibs 5-8, with our older kids serving as mentors.

Wednesday, Feb. 15

Mom’s Night Out

7 p.m.

Our Quarterly Get Together for Moms. At Mrs. Murphy’s and Son’s Irish Bistro (3905 N. Lincoln Ave.)

Scheduled Events
This Week
Next Week

The Gala is Coming!

What are you doing Feb. 25th? Come to our Second Annual International Gala at the Belevedere Banquets in Elk Grove Village. (Registration is $125, and is available online.)

The event is always a great time, full of fun, laughter and a great place to meet new friends and reconnect with old ones.
In advance of the event, we’re looking for items for the silent auction. Some items that have worked well for us in the past include theater or sporting tickets, a hotel or spa gift certificate, dinner cruises and vacation housing opportunities (a summer home in Michigan, for instance). If you have a lead on any such items, let us know with a quick e-mail.
Also, we’re collecting wine for an “Instant Wine Cellar” to be sold through the Gala’s live auction. If, on your next visit to the Playhouse, you wanted to drop off a bottle of wine or two (we all have extras around the house), we’d appreciate it.
GiGi’s Playhouse 

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GiGi’s Playhouse Chicago | 3948 N. Lincoln | Chicago | IL | 60613

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