Volunteer Spotlight: Jessica
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am from Alliance, Ohio and am the youngest of four. I am in a master’s program for occupational therapy at Walsh University. I love to sing and play piano and I enjoy spending time with my big, crazy, loud family.
How did you learn about GiGi’s and what do you do at the Playhouse?
I learned about GiGi’s from a friend at school and I am one of the program leaders for Destination Discovery.
(Jessica started off as a Destination Discovery leader and now leads our GiGi’s Kitchen program for our teens and adults!)
We want to get to know you, what are some of your favorites? (food, color, season, activity, etc.)
My favorite color is always changing but, currently it is purple! I am a big fan of sweater weather, so a nice fall day is my favorite. My favorite food is my mom’s homemade spaghetti.
What is your favorite experience you have had at the Playhouse?
I have only been at the Playhouse for a short amount of time, but in that time, I have met some incredible kids and families. Every time I come into the Playhouse it is a new and fun experience. We are always laughing, dancing, or both! It definitely has a special place in my heart. My favorite program so far was Dog Day where we made origami dog bookmarks with the participants!
Thank you for all you have contributed to the Playhouse, Jessie! Jessica was one of our key volunteers we invited to attend the GiGi’s Playhouse National Leadership Conference with us in November of 2021 because of the leadership and ingenuity she brings to the Playhouse. Jessica brought up starting the GiGi’s Kitchen program to our Site Manager and is committed to our families and participants, always considering their needs and thinking outside the box to make sure everyone can be included. We are grateful for your involvement and the way you help our participants build their skills. Thank you!
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