Our Annual Fund provides support for our adult EPIC program

Each semester at GiGi’s Playhouse Atlanta, we host a group of adults with Down syndrome for a session of EPIC. This program helps guide them through goal setting, developing life skills, and gaining confidence needed to attend college and find employment. We also have a ton of fun socializing and making new friends! With the support of our staff and some incredible volunteers, our adults have had great success over the years and we are so proud of our alumni.  We often visit our friends who work around the Atlanta area to continue our support.

Our adults do amazing things at EPIC such as dance lessons

Dance Lessons

Cooking class

Advocacy discussions

Our EPIC program cannot continue without the support of generous donors like you! But we can’t express how important EPIC is as well as our friends can.  Click here to see for yourself! And thank you for your patronage!


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