Q & A with team member, Nicole White

Nicole White is a proud parent of four children, one of whom has Down syndrome.

Nicole has a degree in molecular biology, a master’s degree in business administration and a doctorate in leadership and change management. She works as a research administrator for Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and also consults with Down Syndrome Achieves. In her spare time (haha), Nicole also runs in ultra and marathon distance races, volunteers with Special Olympics as a YAP coach and watches her kids participate in marching band and play lacrosse and soccer.

Keep reading to learn more about Nicole and how she’s helping our GiGi’s Playhouse Cincinnati startup team with her expertise.

  1. Why did you join the startup team?

    I joined the team because I want to bring fresh ideas and develop some unconventional approaches that give people more resources. As a working parent, it’s hard to find support outside of traditional working hours—and I immediately noticed that GiGi’s Playhouse is mindful of this by offering flexible programming. I want to be part of growing something great.
  2. What is your favorite thing you get to do as part of the startup team?

    Talk. Ha! I am never short on ideas, but I am short on time to implement them all. However, as a team, there are more hands on deck to bring more ideas to fruition rather than being left on a table. Contributing to that “think tank” is a really exciting aspect of being on the startup team.
  3. What is your favorite activity you participated in with GiGi’s Playhouse Cincinnati? I loved Fall on the Farm! It was a good event for my family because there was something for everyone.  Finding something that everyone in my family can participate in without feeling bored or lonely can be trying. Fall on the Farm met everyone’s needs and we all went home excited.
  4. What is the thing you look forward to most when we open GiGi’s Playhouse Cincinnati? Number one is having more resources and social supports for not only my daughter but also my family.  We are always looking for new ways to support my daughter. We also love the potential to meet new families and learn more from the unique programming that GiGi’s Playhouse offers. I can’t wait for the building to open so we can start playing!

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