Henry’s Best of All

Wow wow wow! I was SO impressed with our first literacy session with Jeff! Henry was able to point out letters and get 90% of them right. We hadn’t even thought he was to that point yet! Jeff tried numerous different methods and made the session fun for Henry. He is such a smart little boy and Jeff is helping him achieve his potential. I cannot thank GiGi’s enough for this opportunity. Henry is really benefiting from all the different programs opportunities we have. I have a wonderful community of love and support.

Danielle Bauer

The Principles of our GiGi’s Literacy Tutoring Program are to: 

  • Teach using materials that are meaningful and relevant to the student to maximize interest. 
  • Teach with a multi-sensory approach to build confidence and reinforce learning.
  • Teach students to  practice,  transfer  and  generalize  newly learned skills.  
  • Teach students to comprehend and use information gained from reading to apply to their real-world experiences. 

Books and tutoring resources are customized to each student’s interest and abilities and are built based on the ways in which individuals with Down syndrome learn best. We begin at a student’s current ability and build from that point.  Purposeful progressions lead to an increase of skills and self-confidence. Literacy materials are available to take home for reinforcement and practice in between lessons. 

To learn more about literacy, how to become a tutor, or to enroll your child visit our Literacy webpage.

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