Thanking Corbyn Everyday!

My husband and I quickly learned 8 hours after I gave birth to my son, Corbyn, that doctors and nurses had suspected a chromosome abnormality, Down syndrome to be exact.  It was a draining week-long waiting process of depression, anger, and denial until we received the final confirmed chromosome test. 

The diagnosis and all the medical complications that went along with it hit us hard, like a punch in the gut, and the future for our son literally flashed in front of our eyes.  What type of limitations will he have?  Will he be independent?  How will people treat him?  In the beginning, we were constantly being reminded that we had a challenging road ahead of us; however, with every challenge reaps a reward, and our reward with life’s best tour guide was just beginning.

Flashforward to three years later, my son is the absolute light of our world and a typical three-year-old boy.  Corbyn loves ketchup with everything, despises nap time (in fear of missing out on something), and his favorite word is “No”.  He’s my running errand partner, weekend cleaning crew, and the most protective older brother around.

Corbyn has singlehandedly built his own tribe at his daycare, forming of staff who adore him and peers who embrace him each morning as he enters the classroom.  It is beautiful to watch him connect with those around him with such genuine love, and it puts me at ease a little more each day that the same love is reciprocated back to him.

Not only does he radiate unconditional love that I did not even know I was missing, but he gave us a whole new perspective to life’s purpose. We have learned to not sweat the small stuff and be actively present in all our adventures.  Being open and learning to see the world through his eyes is truly remarkable, and his lasting ripple effect that spans across our family, friends, and now community is even more impressive than I ever knew was possible.

Looking back now at his contagious smile and lovable personality, I want parents to know that we do not need to grieve the diagnosis, embrace all the unconditional love and support that comes along with any type of unexpected diagnosis.  Corbyn’s Down syndrome label is all over his face; however, that does not stop complete strangers from letting me know how beautiful and capable my son is.

Megan H.

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