Jaren’s Best of All!

Jaren has been attending local Special Olympics Young Athletes programming virtually since January 18th and this is what Jaren’s mom shared about his Best of All…

Jaren has been working through the obstacle course like a champ, crawling through the tunnel, stepping over the crossbars and through the hula hoop.  He has even started to do some of this unprompted.  We are so proud of the progress he has made through his participation in Young Athletes!

Way to go Jaren!

Young Athletes is an early childhood play program for children (recommended ages 2 to 10) with and without intellectual disabilities. YA introduces basic sport skills, like running, kicking, and throwingParticipants learn how to play with others and develop important skills for learning. Children also learn to share, take turns, and follow directionsThese skills help children in family, community, and school activities. To RSVP for the next 8-week session visit our Calendar

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