You belong here!

Namrata is so happy that she has found her place in our Friday yoga class! Namrata truly shines in our programs and feels a sense of belonging there. She attends regularly, is quick to learn the poses, and excited to see our program leader Maggie and her virtual friends each week. Namrata’s sister told us, “This is something she has enjoyed for years! This program gives us something to look forward to. It also keeps Namrata occupied and teaches her new things each week!”  

Namrata enjoys other programs at GiGi’s Virtual Playhouse also! She attends our Fantastic Friends program and our Dance; LaBlast program. Namrata not only excels in our programs but has also formed meaningful connections in our virtual community. Her friendly and kind demeanor extends beyond the yoga mat, fostering genuine friendships with fellow participants, making our virtual programs an even more enriching experience for everyone involved. She is celebrated, accepted, and belongs in our Virtual Playhouse Programs, and we love having her there!  


A taste of the continents- Volunteer Spotlight

“Hello! My name is Glynis Moinet. I got involved with GiGi’s Virtual Playhouse because I think it’s an amazing opportunity to connect with people all over the country who don’t have GiGi’s playhouse where they live. I am the program leader for Virtual GiGi’s Kitchen Adult. This is a program where we most of all have…

Marcus 3

Let’s celebrate Marcus!

“I go to GiGi’s Kitchen Adult, Down to Dance, and Fantastic Friends. I love them all. I love to meet new friends.” Marcus says. Marcus is an adult participant who enjoys coming to programs at the Virtual Playhouse because there is not a local playhouse in his hometown. Since joining our virtual programs, he has…


Our Down to Dance Leader; Mariyah

We are so grateful for our partnership with the University of Florida and their Down to Dance program! Our participants absolutely love this program and learn so much from the incredible leaders like Mariyah. Mariyah currently volunteers and serves as the President of Down to Dance, an organization at the University of Florida that has…

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