Making a difference through Music
Amidst the demands of her student and part-time work life, Fabiana sought a fulfilling yet flexible volunteering opportunity. Enter GiGi’s Virtual Playhouse, a community-driven initiative dedicated to changing the way the world views Down syndrome and sending a global message of acceptance for all. Little did Fabiana know, this discovery would lead to one of the most enriching volunteering experiences yet!
As the program leader for the Music in Motion, Fabiana witnessed the transformative power of this all-ages program, creating an inclusive and empowering space for participants to express themselves through music. Special moments, like the excitement of participants answering questions correctly during a game, highlighted the positive influence of her work.
Fabiana’s dedication was wonderful to witness! Claire, one of our program coordinators said, “Fabiana is a wonderful volunteer. She takes time to get to know our participants, leads our Music in Motion program with enthusiasm, and encourages participants to always do their best. We are excited to have her helping out this Spring with our Destination Discovery program!”
Beyond her volunteer role, Fabiana channels her energy into being a research assistant and pursuing a master’s degree in Health Education and Behavior. These volunteer experiences seamlessly complement her academic and professional pursuits, creating a fulfilling and well-rounded lifestyle.
GiGi’s Virtual Playhouse has not only provided Fabiana with a platform to contribute to a noble cause but has also enriched her life in unexpected ways. Volunteering here has been a wonderful journey full of compassion and joy that she wholeheartedly encourages others to explore.
Thank you Fabiana for all you do for our incredible participants! We can’t wait to see you on our Destination Discovery program’s happening this Spring!
Introducing Enrollment Program Leaders
We are so thrilled that the Fall Session is starting off soon for all our enrollment programs! We are thrilled to be offering GiGiFIT Kids, GiGi’s Kitchen Kids, and GiGi’s Kitchen Adult this Fall! These 15-week enrollment programs are a big commitment for our families as well as our volunteers and we know that many…
Our Program and Volunteer Coordinators
We are pleased to announce that we have two experienced Program and Volunteer Coordinators who will be serving our Virtual Playhouse community this fall. Claire We welcome Claire back to our team after family leave! Clare grew up in Minnesota where she earned her degree in Early Childhood Development with a minor in Psychology. Claire’s…
Relationship Building for a Global Community
Providing us with a sense of belonging, support, and shared purpose, communities are sources of friendship, identity, and mutual aid. The Virtual Playhouse was formed with a goal of providing opportunities and a virtual platform for people to come together, regardless of geographic boundaries, to exchange ideas, seek advice, and foster meaningful relationships. Virtual Community Groups and…