Back to school, the good surprises.

Here we are friends, time to send our loved ones back to school. It may be the very first year, or maybe your little one is moving up and into a new school. Or maybe you are preparing to send your awesome kid to collage. Every first day is filled with hope and if we are honest probably a little fear.  Will they find their place, will they make real friends, will they be seen as individuals?  We have come so far but we all know there is more work to do, more advocating for our kids.  Sometimes it is nice to stop and hear sweet story about the good stuff that is happening in school. Our friend Heather aka Ellie’s mom is sharing a sweet surprise from Ellie’s first school experience last year.  We promise you will smile big.


As I’ve been getting Ellie’s things together for school this year, I’m sitting here in disbelief that she will be going into her second year. Last year we enrolled her in what is known as a toddler classroom, two days a week. I was so nervous about everything! Worried about how she would respond to it. Worried about if she would eat ok for them, etc, etc. But that’s what happens right? The moms worry and the dads like Rich look at me and say, “Heather, she will be ok.” I’d say to myself, “I know she will be alright, Ellie is a Rock star. Why am I so nervous?”

The deal was I would drop her off in the morning and Rich would pick her up in the afternoon. The transitions in the morning were rocky at first but after a while they got better with time. Rich would let me know how her day went after he picked her up. I made him call me to give the cliff notes of the day and then ask for more details when he got home from work. In the beginning I just mainly heard about how the day went. If it was good day, if it was a little bit of a rough day, or how she did with the activities and therapies. On one particular day about a month or so later Rich came home and told me what kind of day she had. Halfway through he stopped, smiled a huge smile and said, “Ellie’s teacher told me today that Ellie’s PT session ran over a little bit so she was late to her snack.” I looked at the smile on his face and thought, “this is good news??” “One of the boys in her class was done eating, but he sat and waited with her while she finished her snack.” When she was done eating he got up and they went and played together. She said he kind of watches out for her.” “Really?” I said trying not to get emotional, “How sweet is he!”

A week or two later, Rich came home and said, “Do you remember that boy that sat with Ellie at snack. I was talking to his mom today when I waited to pick her up. Apparently he talks about Ellie at home and how they play at school.”

The next school day I had to ask her teacher. “Yes, they are buddies! They play together most days.” I figured out why I was so nervous. Ellie predominately uses sign language for communication. How hard would it be for her to make friends if they couldn’t communicate? One of the many lessons Ellie has taught me, it doesn’t matter. They created a friendship.

Throughout the year we heard stories of their different antics. And finally towards the end of the year I was able to be a part of the parent assist day. First, I give Ellie a lot of credit! It was very structured with all the therapies. She was in and out of the class room and still did great with potty training. I was overwhelmed but to her it was no big deal. During free play, Ellie and I were trying to tackle some activities together and then her buddy came over to play. I experienced a moment that will stay with me forever. It brings a smile to face whenever I picture it. It’s a moment that is hard to describe but I’ll do my best.

Her buddy came over and grabbed her hands to dance. If you know anything about Ellie, she Loves. To. Dance. But another quirk is she doesn’t like to hold hands unless she initiates it. I held my breath and waited for her reaction. But she didn’t. She just smiled and they started to dance around. They both let out huge laughs and then the moment. She tilted back her head and laughed like it was the best moment in her life, pure happiness. There it was, an amazing little friendship with no words spoken.





You are smiling right? We knew it! All of us at GiGi’s Playhouse-Syracuse are wishing all of you heading back to school a fantastic year filled with lots of learning, friendships and great memories! We know you are teaching those around you as much as you are learning from them and we could not be more proud!


We have a fun giveaway happening on Facebook this week, head over now and get entered to win! HERE

If you find yourself with a great school story this year we want to hear from you. Please send us a message HERE 





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