Giving Back at GiGi’s Playhouse | Glenn MacIntosh
Our GiGi’s Board of Managers introductions continues with Board Vice President, Glenn MacIntosh.
Our Board Vice-President, Glenn MacIntosh, is certainly no stranger to GiGi’s Playhouse Syracuse. He and his family have been involved with GiGi’s since before the playhouse opened. His son, Hayden, is a regular participant in our free programs and just so happens to rock an extra chromosome! Glenn is also the owner of Zoom Printing & Copy Center and prints many of the flyers and mailings we provide to our families and supporters. GiGi’s is grateful for his leadership abilities, his passion to serve the Syracuse community and for the talents, he brings to the table to help us grow and serve better! #StrongerTogether We will let Glenn share about himself and what GiGi’s means to him.
“I learned about GiGi’s back in the beginning of Syracuse starting up about 12 years ago. It was a table at the Buddy Walk and I picked up some basic info. My youngest son Hayden is 15 and has Down syndrome. He is clever, funny, athletic and is the favorite of his four older siblings.
Hayden has benefited from the One-on-One Literacy Program. We have seen such a boost in his confidence and now he has proudly taken the role of family mailman at our house since starting the Literacy Program. He gets the mail, reads the names, and distributes it to the family members. He also regularly aces his spelling tests. Confidence and ability!
He also loves to come to the Playhouse for Open Play and to play air hockey. He has attended Karate Kickers on Fridays at Impact Martial Arts and has met many friends through GiGi’s Playhouse. Hayden also participates in the Art and Music Programs at GiGi’s. All of the programs at GiGi’s Playhouse are provided at no cost to the participants or their families, even the gluten-free snacks!
Hayden shared a video with his middle school class of him breaking a board at his karate class. He was quite proud to show his peers his skills. Hayden is the favorite of many of our friends and family. He was able to be the top Team Fundraiser at the 2019 Buddy Walk because of the generous donations from his many fans.
I am proud of all my children. I am especially proud that my two oldest adult sons regularly volunteer and run programs at GiGi’s. I feel GiGi’s Playhouse has given so much to my family and I want to give back by serving on the Board. I want to give my time and talents to help raise awareness about Down syndrome and so GiGi’s can continue to provide and expand the FREE programs and remain a safe supportive space for individuals with an extra chromosome and their families.” ~ Glenn
Thank you Glenn and the entire MacIntosh family for always giving so much of yourselves to support our free purposeful programs and spread the mission of acceptance for all!
If you are reading this and would like to learn more about being a part of the GiGi’s Playhouse Team, we invite you to visit our volunteer information page. You can also RSVP for a virtual Volunteer orientation on October 22nd, this virtual event will introduce you to the many volunteer needs available while sharing our history and impact in the communities we serve. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. (315)288-PLAY or