World Down Syndrome Day Recap with Mia!

By Mia Siino & Claire Ramaley

World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) is celebrated every year on March 21st (3/21)! The date was chosen to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome. Hear from GiGi’s Playhouse participant and volunteer Mia about how she spent World Down Syndrome Day and why it’s important!!

World Down Syndrome celebrates those with Down syndrome and celebrate everyone who should be honored on that day! It’s important to celebrate WDSD because it’s a fun time to recognize people for what they have to celebrate, and what is important to people, and to remember to Be Accepting, Be Generous, and Be Kind! It’s important for parents to think good things about their child because it can be emotional (learning they’re having a child with Down syndrome), and to think about the great things they have ahead of them!

For World Down Syndrome Day I give a presentation every year to my biology class. The presentations I do in biology are very important because the students get to learn about Down syndrome. They learn about genetics, and my genetics and diagnosis. My presentation is very fun and great for everyone else to learn.

My favorite part of WDSD is when GiGi’s Playhouse Sacramento came to St. Francis HS to table and show them about what GiGi’s Playhouse is all about! We shared what inclusion means, and what we do at the Playhouse so they can come volunteer! I had a great time with Karen and Nicole, it means a lot to me and my classmates really loved it! I also love going to Leatherby’s (for their WDSD fundraiser) because I love their chocolate ice cream!!

I want to wish everyone a great World Down Syndrome Day, hope everyone learned a bit more about Down syndrome! I hope we can all celebrate again next year!

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