Lauren’s love for GiGi’s

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My daughter, Lauren, loves GiGi’s Playhouse! I had heard of GiGi’s Playhouse years ago and wished we had one here in our area. I was so excited when I learned one was coming to Sacramento! I couldn’t wait for the doors to open! When schools closed during the pandemic, Lauren wouldn’t/couldn’t participate in online classes. She was mostly home without much interaction with anyone outside the home. Because of being home so much and so little social interaction, she was very fearful when we would be around people and parking lots. The first time we came to GiGi’s Playhouse, Lauren was very fearful. Now when she hears we are going GiGi’s, she gets a big smile on her face, and she hops right out of the car!

Lauren participates in GiGiFIT for adults and Fantastic Friends, which is an adult social group. She loves having a place that is just for her. It does a mama’s heart good to see her participating more and more with the GiGiFIT program and in the activities at Fantastic Friends. Her favorite things are dance parties and being around her friends. I’m so grateful for this program. I look forward to Lauren being involved with GiGi’s Playhouse for years to come.

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  1. Tracy Laughlin on June 19, 2022 at 6:35 pm

    I’m so happy GIGis came to Sac so Lauren and her friends have a place of her own. I saw how much it helped her reengage after the COVID shutdown.

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