Literacy Program

At GiGi’s Playhouse-Rockford, WE LOVE TO READ!!!

We are very excited to tell you we are beginning our Literacy Program sponsored by Harris Bank this next week.
Registration has taken place, our tutors have been trained, we have had a “Meet and Greet” where the students have received their “Family Books” and met their tutors and now we are ready to READ!
The Learn to Read Literacy Program has been a very popular program of GiGi’s Playhouse in the past and as a new Playhouse, we are thrilled to have the support of our local Harris Bank to be able to welcome the students and the tutors to GiGi’s. Harris Bank has beautifully equipped our Education Wing with all of the necessary tools to teach Literacy. We would not be offering this program at this point without their support. Thank you Harris Bank.
The Literacy Program begins at the age of 2-1/2 and continues through 99 yrs of age. If you or a loved one is interested in the GiGi’s Playhouse Rockford Literacy Program for the Summer or Fall session, please contact us at or call the Playhouse at 815-654-7529.
Let the READING begin!!!

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