Starting the School Year Right: Tips for Advocating for Your Child with Down Syndrome

As the school year kicks off, it’s essential to ensure a positive start for your child with Down syndrome (Ds). As a mom and the Playhouse Operations Manager at GiGi’s Playhouse, I know firsthand the importance of being an active participant in your child’s education. You are a crucial part of their IEP team, and effective collaboration can set the stage for a successful year. Here are some tips to help you advocate and work effectively with your child’s educational team:

  • Establish Consistent Communication: Keep the lines open between you and the school. Consider using a daily notebook or journal to track important updates and share insights with teachers.
  • Provide a One-Page Profile: On the first day, offer a one-page profile of your child. This helps teachers understand your child’s strengths, needs, and preferences. Need help creating one? Email us at
  • Monthly Updates: Send an email each month to the lead teacher outlining any progress or concerns you have observed. If issues arise, increase communication to address them promptly.
  • Face-to-Face Interaction: Whenever possible, drop off or pick up your child in person. This allows for direct interaction with teachers and peers, fostering stronger relationships.
  • Plan Social Events: Organize events like a back-to-school party or birthday celebration to help your child build social connections with classmates.
  • Educate Peers: With the teacher’s permission, send a brief letter home with classmates to introduce them to Ds and to your child. This can promote understanding and acceptance.
  • Encourage Classroom Discussions: Consider reading a book about Ds or disabilities to the class and facilitating an open discussion. Need support in finding resources? Contact us at

By taking these steps, you not only support your child’s growth but can also build a strong, collaborative relationship with their educational team. Together, we can make this school year the best one yet!

For additional resources and support, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at GiGi’s Playhouse. We’re here to help!

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