Overall, seeing Bently’s confidence with money grow over time was the most rewarding!

I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Bently and helping improve his skill set through an individualized one-on-one program. Over the length of the program, there was definite growth, specifically in coin identification; name and value. It was so rewarding to see Bently’s excitement each week to play the money game that we made up! After a few sessions, he was choosing, setting up and leading the game himself! (hiding, searching, identifying, and sorting of coins) We also enjoyed talking about super heroes and sports (I have little boys). One day he came running in, so excited, to show me his superhero shirt, which made me feel special! Overall, seeing Bently’s confidence with money grow over time was the most rewarding! – Greyson


Thank you to all our literacy and math tutors for investing your time to teach new techniques, words and skills to our participants. We see so many participants leave this program with a sparked interest, wanting to learn more and show off their newly learned skills. Our tutors believe in their students and encourage them to be their best of all!

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