I love the increased confidence that I see in her as a result of camp!

Eliana loved her week at camp!  I wasn’t sure how she would adapt to being at camp as she has never attended anything without a family helper present.  She was a little tentative about being left the first day, but was so very happy at camp when I arrived to pick her up later that day.  That night she told me that she wanted to go back to camp.  What a sweet confirmation that she had a fabulous time!  And she kept telling me that every day!


She has watched her brother go to camp and was delighted to have her turn this year.  I love the increased confidence that I see in her as a result of this experience.  It was a fantastic week and her helpers were wonderful.  She is so excited about going again (and is still asking every week when she can return to camp).


Thank you!

Leslie (Eliana’s mom)

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