The gifts of themselves, brought by each member of GiGi’s family to every class has created a fun-filled and wonderful experience for me.

Rose is the mother of 10 and grandmother of 30 (wow!) and had two children born with Down Syndrome – her youngest Annie turned 30 in September and is a participant at GiGi’s (Annie also works in the bakery at Whole Foods Cary – be sure to tell her hello if you see her there!). Rose and her family moved to NC about 8 years ago and as soon as GiGi’s Playhouse opened in Raleigh, she volunteered to “do what ever” was needed. She has been a literacy tutor from the inception of that program and also serves as a cooking instructor for our adults — most recently, each Tuesday during GiGi Prep. Thank you for all of the time you spend here enriching the lives of our participants, Rose!

“The gifts of themselves, brought by each member of GiGi’s family to every class has created a fun-filled and wonderful experience for me. The board and staff are always helpful, involved and fun. Each opportunity gives me a chance to share some of my skills with the GiGi’s family. These activities brighten my week and give me an opportunity to belong. GiGi’s has given me a new and fun venue to pursue in NC.”
— Rose Fox

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