Volunteer Spotlight: Tamika Wong

Meet Tamika, GiGi’s NYC Yoga & Mindfulness Program Leader! We are fortunate to have Tamika lead this highly valuable program on a weekly basis, which gives our participants a practice and routine that integrates physical, mental and emotional development. We encourage you to join her virtually on Thursdays at 5pm when our semester kicks back up in April. Read below to learn more about her:

How and when did you first get involved with GiGi’s NYC?  

In 2018, I did my yoga teacher training in Sri Lanka, and a main take away from the program was to always give back through teaching. I had a friend that was volunteering at GiGi’s NYC who she told me about the organization, and I immediately knew I wanted to volunteer my time here. 

What do you do as a volunteer?  

Teach yoga! 

What is your favorite thing about the GiGi’s NYC community?  

The ability for everyone to express their individuality. 

What is the best part about volunteering with GiGi’s NYC?  

I love sharing the practice of yoga. It benefits me just as much as those I teach. 

How do you enjoy spending your free time?  

I enjoy spending my free time going to see live music, traveling and being with friends/family. 

GiGi’s NYC thanks Tamika for sharing her practice with the GiGi’s NYC community. Her dedication to us over the years is greatly appreciated!

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