They’re People Too
One of our amazing young volunteers, Courtney Murray, just finished her junior at McHenry East Campus High School. Her final project before the end of the year in her Advanced Placement class was to make a documentary on something that impacts our community…Courtney, without hesitation picked GiGi’s Playhouse McHenry County! The documentary is titled “They’re People Too”. Courtney has been volunteering for GiG’s Playhouse
McHenry County for about four years. She started volunteering because she wanted to make a positive impact on other people’s lives. She has accomplished this and so much more! She states in her documentary so many wonderful facts about Down syndrome and what GiGi’s Playhouse is all about, but this quote would be the most impactful “GiGi’s has taught me that people deserve to be treated with respect and to be embraced for their uniqueness and individuality”. Courtney goes on to say that “the kids have helped me decide what I want to do with the rest of my life”! That’s outstanding, even life changing! We were invited to see the documentary the day it was presented to the students at McHenry East Campus High School. What a great opportunity to get to see the reaction first hand, priceless!! Keep up the great work Courtney, we’re so lucky to have you!
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