GiGi’s Playhouse McHenry
Family Holiday Party!
Who: Everyone! All ages! And Siblings too!
What: Games, Crafts, Musical Fun and always
yummie snacks!
Where: 1720 N. Richmond Road, McHenry 60050
When: Sunday, December 14, 2008
~ 2:30pm to 4:30pm ~
Why: Because Santa Clause is coming to town!
Come and have some fun with your GiGi’s friends!
Santa will be making a surprise visit
with special gifts for every child!
Each family is asked to bring a plate of cookies
to welcome Santa and to share in snack time.
Please RSVP to let us know that you will be joining us
Call us at the Playhouse 815-385-PLAY or send an email to
Please call by Tuesday, December 9th
So we can plan for everyone!
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