We had a great time at Skill Builders in May!
Our theme for May was butterflies. We started out by reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Students created a model of the life cycle of a butterfly in the the science center. At the craft center students used water colors to uncover hidden pictures of eggs, caterpillars, cacoons, and butterflies. In math we counted insect legs and did some basic addition. We wrapped up the day by acting out The Very Hungry Caterpillar story. What an awesome way to spend a couple of hours on a Saturday!
Please mark your calendars and join us for our June Skill Builders sessions. We are offering two different times/themes from you to choose from — or you can join us for BOTH!
We Pack a Picnic — Friday, June 5th from 6:45 to 8pm
Exploring Water — Saturday, June 20th from 10am to Noon
There is no age restriction for Skill Builders…anyone who wants to practice phonics, math, and handwriting plus do a fun craft or science project is welcome to join us. Parent participation is a must.
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