Year Ending With Amazing Generosity
As 2016 came to a close there was no shortage of love for GiGi’s Playhouse McHenry County! We received a wonderful act of kindness and large donation from Joseph Seminaris and his colleagues at Allstate! Within the week we also received an enormous donation of supplies and 8 new folding...

Speech and language tips!
"Have you ever wondered if there are ways to provide additional sensory cues to help your child learn? If yes, then we have some tips for you! Once your child understands a concept and is beginning to use the word or sign, provide cues or prompts when he forgets to...

GiGi’s Playhouse McHenry County Bunco Down 2016
What a wonderful way to kick off Down syndrome Acceptance month, with our 5th Annual Bunco Down Event! Big thank you to the over 270 participants who came out to support GiGi's Playhouse McHenry County! Thank you to all our fantastic sponsors and donors. Thank you to our guest speaker,...

Thank you Johnsburg Skyhawks for spreading awareness!
Thank you to the Johnsburg Skyhawk volleyball organization - all the volleyball players, coaches and athletic director! What an amazing evening they put on for GiGi's Playhouse McHenry County! The turnout was fabulous, the supply drive was amazing and most importantly all the positive awareness! #GenerationG

Daisy Troop visits GiGi’s Playhouse McHenry County
Daisy Troop # 79 held their September meeting at GiGis this past Monday night. The girls were eager to learn about Down syndrome and to see the playhouse. They also got a few tips as to how to make new friends, not judge or reject others who have different interests...

Buddies reunited for a special night!
Another outstanding example of the support we feel from our community. Before the first home game for the McHenry Warriors, the players who participated in the summer Sports Day with the kids from the playhouse reunited with their buddies for a special night. The kids wore their player buddy's away jersey...

Five instructional strategies for children with down syndrome
Children with Down syndrome are capable learners who are excited and eager to learn. They just need to be given the opportunity to excel. They may learn at a slower pace, but are more than capable of learning. They are strong visual learners. This means that they understand what they...

Sports Day 2016
Sports Day 2016 was a huge success! Twenty kids paired with 29 football players from McHenry High School for an exhausting morning of physical challenge, friendship building and laughter! No sooner did the boys get the place cleaned up when they began brainstorming for the next time they get to...

They’re People Too
One of our amazing young volunteers, Courtney Murray, just finished her junior at McHenry East Campus High School. Her final project before the end of the year in her Advanced Placement class was to make a documentary on something that impacts our community…Courtney, without hesitation picked GiGi’s Playhouse McHenry...

Time to blow some bubbles…
So many don't know of the crucial importance of strong oral motor functionality. It is important for our kiddos to have strong and mobile articulators. Articulators include our lips, cheeks, jaw and tongue. Children with Down syndrome, due to low muscle tone, often have decreased strength when it comes to...

Comcast Cares!
We had the most amazing opportunity to have been selected for the Comcast Cares Day. This is a day when Comcast employees and their families give back to their communities. They sent a crew of 30 people to do Playhouse improvements. They refreshed our tutoring room by patching walls, painting...