Holiday Party Dec. 8th 4-6 pm
Enjoy a holiday celebration at the playhouse on Sunday Dec. 8th. Bring a snack, side dish or dessert to share. Main course is provided. Please RSVP to mklowas@gigisplayhouse.org how many adults and how many children will be attending. https://gigisplayhouse.org/mchenry/event/annual-holiday-party

Bunco Down 2019
Thank you to all who supported GiGii's Playhouse McHenry County! Everyone who participated, volunteered, donated or sponsored the event...we coudn't do it without all of your support! Thank you all for making our 8th year such a huge success and celebratng Down Syndrome Acceptance month with us! Continue to celebrte...

Group Speech Session!
Group Speech Therapy is off to a great start this Fall! We are working hard on positive social interactions and increasing our conversational skills. All participants are engaged and are willing to practice new skills alongside their peers. All activities are group oriented. Each session we watch a short video about...

GiGi’s Playhouse McHenry County Social Language Group
GiGi’s Playhouse McHenry County is introducing a new Speech Therapy Group starting this Fall focused on Social interaction with peers. This program is beneficial for High School aged individuals and older. Topic Ideas Include: ❏Greetings ❏Conversation skills ❏Body Language ❏Topic Maintenance ❏Emotions ❏Language skills *If...

Eagle Scout Project!
A big thank you goes out to Matthew W. for choosing GiGi's Playhouse McHenry County to do your Eagle Scout Project! The fresh coat of paint and new colors look fantastic! In his own words, Matthew chose us because "My stepbrother Josh, he participates in Reading and Math literacy, TEAM,...

Eagle Scout Project
Sam came to GiGi's Playhouse looking to make a difference and complete his Eagle Scout Project... a win win situation for us and him. He chose us! He made a beautiful new "Art Center" that is now available within the Playhouse for all to use! It's organized, clean and colorful....

Volunteer Appreciation!
April volunteer appreciation 'One of the greatest gifts you can give is your time.” Our amazing volunteers not only give of their time, but their creativity, talents, love, laughter and dedication. During this week of volunteer appreciation, we say THANK YOU to ALL of our volunteers who give so generously....

Volunteers Needed!
We currently have exciting volunteer opportunities for program leaders and co-leaders, tutors, party planners and teen peer volunteers. Come and learn how to get involved! Our next volunteer orientation is February 20th from 6:30-8:00 pm at the Playhouse. If you are interested in becoming a GiGi's volunteer or know someone...

Speech Spotlight: Ellie
Ellie has been working hard to improve her speech and language skills through the Amina Grace Speech and Language Program. She has participated in every 10-week session since the program began this past spring. Ellie is working on answering questions, using correct sentence structure, and speech clarity. Since participating in...

Speech Spotlight: Matthew
Matthew, age 4, has completed 2.5 10-week sessions of the Amina Grace Speech and Language Program. Matthew's mother enrolled him in the program because, "Matthew is nonverbal and this program is close to home and free." Matthew is working hard to increase his communication skills. He has been working on...

Participants Get Ready for The Fall Session of Tutoring and Speech
Parents and participants attended a meet and greet last Thursday night to meet their tutors and speech therapist for our Fall Session of tutoring and speech. Our Fall Session runs from September 10th through November 18th. Participants have the option to enroll in Literacy Tutoring Program, Math Tutoring Program, and...

Amina Grace Speech and Language Program: What’s being said around the playhouse…
The GiGi’s Playhouse Amina Grace Speech and Language Program provides youth, teens and adults with greatly expanded opportunities to evolve and refine their speech and language skills. Effective enunciation, clarity of speech, word order and message meaning are paramount to fostering greater self-confidence, comprehension, problem-solving, school readiness, social skills, independence, and overall quality of life. Here...