Ever thought about tutoring?

My name is Heather and I'm a Literacy Tutor at GiGi's Playhouse in McHenry, Illinois and I can safely say I have been blessed with one of the most fun, most challenging, most rewarding and downright most fabulous volunteer opportunities ever.Basically, I get to help kids and adults with Down...

Come to Open Gym at Layton Athletics and help raise money for our Cheerleaders!!

Coach Kelley Layton has given us an opportunity to fund raise the money for the competition gifts for our cheerleaders!There will be an OPEN GYM this SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26TH FROM 6 - 9PM. The cost for open gym is $10. Please let the front desk know you are there for...

This Week at the Playhouse!

☀ This week at GiGi's Playhouse McHenry!☀ Sunday, September 20, 4:15pm – 5:00pm: GiGi's Cheer Team The GiGi's Cheer Team practices every Thursday at Layton Athletics in Ringwood. If you wish to be a be a part of this team, please contact Carol AnCel at carolancel@att.net Hosted by Kelley Layton...

GiGi’s Cheers On!

This just in from Spirit Mom Julie Snyder!  “We’ve got spirit yes we do, we’ve got spirit, JUST LIKE YOU!”GiGi’s LXC Cheer Team made their debut Sunday, September 13 in the Saufen Unds Spiel Parade in Johnsburg, Illinois.  Riding on a parade float can be an overwhelming experience for any child...

Signing Classes Postponed

Both Signing 'Til Dawn and Baby Sign will be postponed until October, due to an illness in Dawn's family. She and her family are in our thoughts and prayers and we are so excited to welcome her back to her classes the first week of October.We apologize to anyone who...

Watch for the GiGi’s LXC Cheer Squad Sunday!!

We will be on a float in the Saufen Unds Spiel Parade in Johnsburg starting at 12:30!Also our new uniforms JUST arrived!!!!Note to cheer leaders.... there is NO practice THIS Sunday due to the parade!See you all there.

This Week at the Playhouse!

☀ This week at GiGi's Playhouse McHenry!☀ Sunday, September 13, 4:15pm – 5:00pm: GiGi's Cheer Team The GiGi's Cheer Team practices every Thursday at Layton Athletics in Ringwood. If you wish to be a be a part of this team, please contact Carol AnCel at carolancel@att.net Hosted by Kelley Layton...

Getting Down with Fashion – Save the Date!

GiGi’s Playhouse McHenry proudly presents the 2nd Annual Fashion Show and BrunchSunday, November 1, 200910:00 AM to 2:00 PM To be held at the Bull Valley Golf Club1311 Club Road, Woodstock, IL 60098☀“Getting Down with Fashion”We come together to celebrate the love we have for individuals with Down syndrome and to...

Signing Class Canceled

Tomorrow's Signing with Babies is CANCELED. Monday's Signing class at 10am is still being held.

New Member of the McHenry Team!

McHenry welcomes our NEW Site Coordinator...  Jean BoyleI am so very excited to join the GiGi’s Playhouse Family, I feel very lucky to be part of an organization that does such wonderful work.  My past experience working with adults with multiple disabilities in a vocational setting will hopefully help me...

This Week at the Playhouse!

☀ This week at GiGi's Playhouse McHenry!☀ Sunday, September 6: Nuestros Angeles 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Come meet other Spanish speaking families for fun and fellowship. Hosted by Jackie Bueno.☀ Sunday, September 6, 4:15pm – 5:00pm: GiGi's Cheer Team The GiGi's Cheer Team practices every Thursday at Layton Athletics...

Meet Our Volunteers: Jackie Bueno

Jackie Bueno is a volunteer who hosts Nuestros Angeles, a program where Spanish speaking families can come together!How did you hear about GiGi's Playhouse? Through our home physical therapist and early intervention.  How did you become involved as a volunteer here?I started to take my daughter to the Hoffman Estates...