Volunteer Parade!
February 26, 2009
”A Salute to Local Volunteers”
Sunday, March 15th, 2009
Sunday, March 15th, 2009
Parade begins 1:00 pm
we assemble at 12:30 pm
Riverside Drive by the Riverwalk Bridge
(next to Joey T’s)
we assemble at 12:30 pm
Riverside Drive by the Riverwalk Bridge
(next to Joey T’s)
For additional information contact Scott at (815) 385 – PLAY
Every day we are bombarded with the doom and gloom of a bad economy, rising foreclosures and unemployment. Reading the paper, listening to the radio or watching television news can be depressing and stressful. It seems that we as individuals can have little effect on national events but that’s not the case at all. As volunteers, we have been making a huge impact on our community and at a time when our community needs us most. And our community needs something to celebrate that’s FREE!
The Rotary of McHenry would like to have your organization participate in our first ever St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 15th, at 1:00 PM. We will assemble at 12:30 pm at the parking lot of Joey T’s on Riverside Drive. It’s a short parade route, down Riverside Drive to Veterans Park at Broad and Riverside Drive. This is a community based parade, no commercials, no political campaigning, just a salute to local volunteers. For this one day, we’ll all be Irish and celebrate our town and the local groups that serve our residents.
Please contact Phil Sweeney at (847) 409-7445 or Donna Schaefer at (815) 385-5605 for additional information.
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