GiGi’s Playhouse McHenry County Turns 10 this year!
On April 26, 2008 GiGi’s Playhouse McHenry opened its doors. This was not an easy undertaking and took months of planning. A group of parents, their relatives and friends remodeled, furnished and decorated the building into a welcoming place for children and adults with Down syndrome. Parents and relatives formed a board of directors and developed their first program – “Learn to Read”.
The group’s slogan was:
“Loving a Child with Down syndrome is Contagious.
Help us spread the Love!”
Today GiGi’s Playhouse McHenry County offers over 10 programs! Our vision for the Playhouse today continues the purpose set in 2008:
To provide resources, specialized teaching, and support to individuals with Down syndrome and all the people that love them and to see our community be a place where individuals with Down syndrome are accepted and embraced by their families, schools, and communities.
Our Superheroes
For Building our Super Place
This award was presented at the recent Spring Fashion Show Luncheon to three members of the original group – Jessica Lewis, Bill Lewis and Laura Cook. Jessica, Bill and Laura were driving forces behind this new place which individuals with Down syndrome could call their own. All three donated their leadership, resources and sweat equity to create a welcoming space and build an organization we are proud of 10 years later. Their leadership, time and resources continue to be a tremendous asset for the playhouse today!
Join us as we celebrate this wonderful milestone and plan for the next 10 years.
Support GiGI’s Playhouse McHenry County and the children and adults we serve!
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