GiGi’s at 2009 Fiesta Days Parade
From our board member, Scott Bradfield:
The 2009 Fiesta Days parade takes place on Sunday July 19th at 1:30 pm. This would be a fun and outstanding opportunity to get Gigi’s name out into the community. In order to make this happen I am requesting the assistance of as many Gigi’s families and volunteers. We will need help getting some sort of flat bed trailer, help designing and constructing of a float, as well as a location to build and store until the parade. In addition we will need participants to ride on the float as well as walk along passing outcandy/popsicles. If you are interested please contact me at scottbradfield [at] yahoo [dot] com… or at 815-693-6453 by June 6th. I plan on scheduling a meeting on the second week of June at the Playhouse w/ anybody interested in helping out.