Welcome Sabrina, our new speech pathologist

Happy Friday, GiGi’s Playhouse! We hope you all had a great week and are enjoying your summer. We have another new staff joining our family! Sabrina Brucato is a speech pathologist who graduated from Columbia University in New York City. Her passion for speech therapy began watching her younger sister Alyssa, who has Down Syndrome, thrive from speech treatment. She is deeply committed to helping clients and families grow in communication and to living the GiGi’s playhouse mission. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, bike riding, and spending time with family. If you are interested in scheduling a speech session with Sabrina, she will be at the playhouse Monday through Thursday, 9:00AM-7:00PM. We still have some openings, so reach out to Caitlin Connolly at cconnolly@gigisplayhouse.org to secure your spot now!

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