We Are So Proud of Our GiGi Prep Graduates!

Please congratulate our GiGi Prep graduates! They worked very hard this summer and really gave it their best of all! GiGi Prep is a career-focused program that assists adults with Down syndrome to prepare them for GiGi University. In each class, the participants worked on increasing their knowledge of nutrition, communication, and fostering friendships with their peers. They participated in healthy cooking classes, nutrition lessons, career skills training, and fun fitness classes.

The goal of GiGi Prep is to prepare our adults for their time in GiGi University. “GiGi U” is a progressive learning program for adults, comprised of a 12-week instructional program, followed by an internship with the GiGi’s Playhouse Cafe, Hugs & Mugs. GiGi U is designed to motivate adults with Down syndrome to achieve their highest potential in the real world through goal-development and small group skills instruction, physical fitness and exceptional work opportunities. The Fall session of GiGi U begins Monday, August 31st. We are very excited for our GiGi Prep graduates as they continue their journey to becoming a healthy, confident, and whole self! #GiGi Believes #BestOfAll #footprints

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