Speech and Language Tips for Winter Break!

School is almost out for Winter Break! Keeping that in mind, parents now have to find activities to fill their days. The goal should be not only to survive break, but to thrive! Speech and language practice is an ongoing process and should not take a break, just because the kids are not in school. Practice can be done just about anywhere and with very little preparation or creativity, yet still fun and effective. Below are some fun, quick idea that may be used with your kids that you could to at home or on-the-go to help keep the practicing up while still enjoying winter fun.

In the car – Keep your kiddo’s speech sound targets in mind, you can play a similar game as the Alphabet Game, only instead of thinking of animals that start with the letter “K” you can think of as many words as you can that start with the “K” sound like “cat,” “cookie” and “kite.” Take turns going back and forth until someone is stuck and pick a new letter.

Picture Scavenger Hunt – Go through the house and take pictures of as many things as you can that start with your targeted sound. Whoever takes the most pictures wins. Of course in order to get the prize they have to say each word clearly. You can even make a fun book of the pictures that were taken to review later.

Flashlight Scavenger Hunt – Tape your practice words and sounds around the house then turn off the lights. Hand your child a flashlight and then go find the words. Have them say each word as they find them.

As you play these fun games at home, take pictures and send them to GiGi’s Playhouse or tag us in your posts, so we can all share in the fun!

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