Meet Harry Fisher

Meet Harry Fisher. Harry first started coming to GiGi’s Playhouse in 2016 where he joined GiGiU, a comprehensive and progressive learning program tailored specifically for adults with Down syndrome comprised of a 15-week instructional program. The skills gained at GiGi U will resonate with graduates throughout their careers. Program leaders quickly noticed something special about Harry in GiGiU- his smile and ability to put a smile on anyone else’s face.

After Harry graduated from GiGiU, he started in the studio cafe- Hugs & Mugs. The interns in Hugs & Mugs are learning to work in a coffee/retail shop by running ALL aspects of the business: artwork and graphic design, production of mugs, packaging, customer service, community outreach, sales, food service, and being a barista. We quickly learned how hard of a worker Harry is, and how eager he is to come to his shifts each day.

Once Harry passed his certifications, he decided he wanted to further his skills by joining GiGi Professionals, where the skills learned are more focused on those needed to work in an office setting. Staff and volunteers have loved watching Harry thrive in GiGi Professionals. He is great at welcoming people into the Playhouse, always with that big smile and a hearty handshake. Another one of Harry’s strengths is answering the phones. He always has a professional tone of voice, and takes great messages for staff members.

Harry’s hard work finally paid off for him this past December, when he finished the last certification! This meant that Harry was now able to graduate from GiGi Professionals, and enter the work force! Harry now volunteers at the library, where he helps patrons find books, puts returned books back to their correct location, and scans returned books back into the library. He also has a paid position at an animal shelter where Harry makes dog treats, takes the dogs outside to go to the bathroom and play, and other tasks.

Although Harry has graduated from the GiGi’s Career Development programs, you can still find him around the playhouse! Harry participates in GiGi’s Kitchen Adult, GiGiFIT, Fantastic Friends, and Games with Friends.

Harry is just one example of how successful adults with Down syndrome can be in our Career Development programs. If you are interested in joining the Career Development programs, or want to learn more, please contact Megan Frey at or by calling the Hoffman Estates playhouse.

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