Kids Club Has Lots of Talent “Talent Show”!!!

Come One, Come All! – Saturday, August 25, 2012 from 10:30 – Noon.
The show gives the children (9-13 year olds) an opportunity to showcase their awesome talents in a very relaxed and supportive environment. Each child is welcome to bring one or two acts. Their parents can even join in or bring their own acts. Friends and siblings are always invited and can bring acts as well.

Even if a child does not want to perform, he/she is encouraged to attend to cheer on his/her peers. The acts can be anything — dancing, singing (including karaoke), magic, telling jokes, playing instruments, shoe tying (!), teaching the group some type of skill, cheerleading routines, gymnastics, karate, soccer demo, reading a book to the group, drawing a picture, reciting poetry, charades, juggling, jump roping, a puppet show, etc., etc. (You get the idea.) It’s very informal and the audience claps and cheers loudly for all of the acts!!

Please RSVP to and tell us what type of act(s) might be performed and if any special supplies are needed. Sometimes acts aren’t decided until the day before the show and even that’s ok.

See you Saturday!!!!

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