GiGi Fit Pilot Program is Workin’ It!!

Somer has never been big on exercising and it has been a struggle to get her to take a walk.  She was not happy when she was signed up for GiGiFit Pilot Program, even after the first class she said she was never going to come back!  Since then she did and now absolutely loves coming, she even gets anxious if she is running late to get there on time.  The class has given Somer confidence she didn’t have before.  She actually joined the Talent Show at her school, which she has never done before and did a solo act!  She danced and moved like never before.  The GiGiFit Program has given her strength and stamina!  She has lost inches in her waist, arms, and thighs which is amazing!  She has gained new friends from the program and loves having to meet expectations and having goals to strive for.
Keep up the Hard WORK Somer we are so PROUD of you!!!

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  1. Eduardo Lopz on December 1, 2017 at 7:27 pm

    I would like to know how to sign up my sister for the gigifit program.

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